BARS-2 Has Developed Masterbatches for Industrial Sorting of Polymer Waste
Automatic sorting equipment can accelerate processing of polymer products and materials by many times compared to manual labor. This method can be especially effective in the production of single-type products in large quantities (bottles, vials, cosmetic containers, etc.).
Equipping the production line with optical polymer recognition systems takes the system to a new level. At the very least, the ability to identify a wide range of materials by their color and chemical composition is worth mentioning.
Such technology can also be successfully in the sorting of recycled materials during processing, as well as within a single enterprise with a high degree of implementation of automated systems for controlling the output of finished products.
The automatic sorting technology relies on exposure of a polymer waste to a certain wavelength and subsequent spectral analysis of the radiation reflected from the surface of the material.
Material color is identified using a sensor with wavelengths corresponding to the visible spectrum, while the chemical nature of the polymer is identified using a sensor with near IR range wavelengths. Polymer is recognized by comparing the light signal reflected from the surface of the material with the available spectra in the database of the system.
However, this technology poses a problem when sorting and recognizing polymer products colored with carbon black, since carbon black absorbs radiation both in the visible spectrum and in the near IR range.
In order to solve such a problem, carbon-free black masterbatches have been developed, they provide excellent consumer properties and high quality coloring in deep black as well as allow efficient automatic sorting using similar optical systems in the future (products colored with such masterbatches reflect the near IR range radiation).
BARS-2 has developed two of such masterbatches available under BASCO® trademark. P1902/28-LP is deep black with a noble blue green shade in transmitted light and a recommended dosage of 1-2%. It is used for coloring of injection molded, extruded and blow molded polyolefin products.
Deep black P4902/18-SN masterbatch gives increased gloss to colored injection molded and extruded SAN and ABS products. The recommended dosing is 0.5-2%.
Masterbatches are designed for coloring of polymer packaging for sorting products using infrared scanners.
BARS-2 carbon-free masterbatches enable efficient automatic waste sorting with optical systems in the future.
The widespread use of carbon-free masterbatches for polymer coloring will contribute to the successful implementation of automatic control technologies for various manufacturing stages and increase the quality of sorting and subsequent recycling of plastics, which will make polymer recycling processes smoother, our planet cleaner, and life better.
Scientific and Production Company BARS-2 has been operating on the Russian market since 1992 and is one of the leaders in its industry sector, occupying more than a quarter of the market of masterbatches for coloring and modifying of thermoplastics manufactured under BASCO® trademark.
Contact us for more information
Contact us:
Kirill Izarov
Export Manager
Тel./Fax: + 7 (812) 336-99-66 ext. 455
Mobile/WhatsApp: +7 965 060 10 60
Slava Mosolkin
Senior Manager
Tel.: + 7 (812) 336-99-66 ext. 489
Mobile/WhatsApp: +7 965 060 10 50
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