We will celebrate the 25th anniversary!

BASCO™ is the leader in the market of dye and additive concentrates in Russia! Thank you for being with us!

White, black, color masterbatches

Concentrates of dyes more than 60 colors.
Metallics, pearlescent, fluorescent, etc.

Liquid concentrates of dyes

Liquid concentrates of dyes BASKO™
For coloring PVC, PET, PC.

Compositions, concentrates of special purpose

Liquid, hard-combustible, tracking-type electrical insulating, electrically conductive and other special purpose concentrates.

Modifying Additives

Antiblock, antimicrobial, flavoring, chalk, light stabilizers, cleaning, extrusion and other modifying additives



Areas of application for BASKO™ products

Красители и добавки для труб

Fiber (artificial thread)

Пример текста-подписи


Пример текста-подписи

Cable concentrates

Пример текста-подписи

Polymer sheets

Пример текста-подписи

Products from PET and PC

Пример текста-подписи

Canisters, bottles

Пример текста-подписи


Добавки для BOPP CAST пленки


Пример текста-подписи

Liquid concentrates

Добавки для ПВХ

PVC products

Однослойные плёнки, бытовые пакеты

Single-layer films

Добавки для многослойных пленок

Multilayer films

Central office:

Our branches:

About BARS-2 company

Scientific & Production Company BARS-2 has been successfully operating on the Russian market since 1992. Since that time we have been leading in the areas of development and production of pigment and additive masterbatches (MB) under the BASCO® trade mark for coloring and modification of thermoplastic polymers.

The estimated throughput  of BARS-2  is 20,000 tones.

Today BARS-2 has several production sites in Russia. Our customers are the leading global companies, like Danon, Gillette, Procter &Gamble, Unilever, Indesit, Schoeller Allibert, Alpla, Weener Plastic, Bosch, LG and others.

BARS-2 has enlarged the dealer net

BARS-2 has enlarged the dealer net and signed an exclusive agreement
with representative company located in Italy, Milano.

Director Mr. Luca Lombardo is responsible for the distribution of the complete
range of BASCO products manufactured by BARS-2.

Phone: +39 366 418 22 48
We invite you for the mutually beneficial cooperation.

Get a consultation, make an order

We are happy to give information on any of our products. For contact with our manager, please fill out the form.


The central office of BARS-2:

Russia, 197374,
St. Petersburg, ul. Optikov, 4

Phone of sales department:
+7 (812) 346 78 92

E-mail: bars2@bars2.com

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